Natural Area News

New life at NAMS

NAMS  was contracted in 2010 to construct a wetland in the Cygnia Cove estate in Waterford, bordering the Canning River. The objectives of the wetland were to increase native biodiversity, enhance the easthetics of the area, improove the quality of water flowing into the Canning River and provide habitat for migratory and water birds. Many water birds have been observed using the wetland for feeding including common ducks, wood ducks, cormorants, spoonbills, ibis and swans.

NAMS is pleased to announce the arrival of the first babies born at the wetland…three baby swans. The swans appear to have built a nest on one of the islands in the wetland and have been observed foraging among the sedge beds on numerous occasions.

Cygnia Cove has been one of our most successful projects, having been able to see immediate benefits to the environment.

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