Natural Area News

It’s Spring Survey Season!

It’s Spring Survey time!

The Natural Area botanical team have had a busy start to the Spring survey season with surveys happening from Mindarie in the north, Aveley in the east, Cockburn in the south and further south in the Shire of Murray.

Survey activities include:

  • desktop assessments to determine potential flora, fauna and fungi species within the site (Level 1 survey)
  • on-ground site assessments using quadrats and transects (Level 2 survey)
  • compiling species lists for flora, fauna and fungi
  • opportunistic sightings of fauna by identifying scats, tracks, markings and calls
  • photographing flora, fauna and fungi
  • weed mapping
  • fauna trapping using Elliot and pit-fall traps
  • night stalking
  • setting up trail-cameras

If you would like more information on how Natural Area can assist with your survey program check out some of the links below or email Natural Area’s Senior Environmental Scientist Sue Brand.

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