Natural Area News

Big Turnout for IPPS WA in the Ferguson Valley

On Friday afternoon, October 12th, a group of IPPS members, nursery owners, their staff and industry suppliers turned out a local event at the premises of Seed Shed in the picturesque Ferguson Valley, some 2.5 hours south of Perth

A group of over 25 undertook a tour of the business and received a very professional outline of their seed buying, processing and storage procedures by IPPS Board member and Seed Shed owner, Neroli Foster and her staff. Neroli demonstrated several of her machines showing how they process their seed to remove chaff and contaminants, but also how to obtain several grades of seed.

After the tour the Seed Shed crew turned out a quality spread of homemade food and an award winning local boutique wine producer, Bakkheia supplied Shiraz, Tempranillo & Sauvignon Blanc for tasting.

Some members bought their young children who had a wonderful time on the farm and it was a delightful atmosphere in which the group exchanged much information on their respective propagation activities.

David Hancock provided a summary of recent and future IPPS activities, including the Tasmania 2018 conference, the Meet in The Middle Hawaii event and outlined details of the 2019 Queensland International Tour & Conference in Geelong for 2020.

He was pleased that this event added 2 new members, long active in propagation and there was a good turn out of younger nursery managers and staff which we are hoping will convert into additional IPPS members.

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