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Fauna and flora have a unique relationship and habitat knowledge allows a greater understanding of fauna species that may be present in an area. Natural Area can undertake fauna surveys over a range of sites and for a variety of reasons including level 1 and level 2 fauna surveys.
A level 1 fauna survey includes a desktop study to determine fauna assemblages present in an area. It also involves a site assessment to ground-truth the information obtained during the desktop study, provide habitat descriptions and opportunistic observations of any fauna present. A level 1 survey will provide an indication of whether or not a level 2 survey is required.
A level 2 fauna survey is a targeted survey for one or more species. A variety of sampling techniques are utilised including, trapping, spot lighting, camera trapping and analysis of as scats and tracks.
Monitoring fauna populations may be required for environmental management purposes to determine if site activities are affecting ecosystem functioning. Natural Area can monitor populations using a variety of methods including trap and release programs.
Feral animals such as rabbits, foxes and cats can cause widespread damage to ecosystems, predating on local native fauna and destroying revegetation works through digging and plant predation. Natural Area can assess and monitor feral animal populations and also undertake feral animal control.
Knowledge of the natural environment and Western Australia’s ecosystems enable a greater understanding when undertaking fauna surveys.
When undertaking weed mapping, the following activities are undertaken: